Monday, April 11, 2011

The Begining

File sharing has been a major issue ever since the birth of the communication age.  File sharing programs such as Orangewire, Pirate Bay, and Bearshare, has been used by every day Joes and computer geeks to either receive or share music, movies, TV shows, and program files. In the summer of 2000 Napster was found guilty of copyright infringement which led to huge controversy.  This blog is recording the actions of a Supreme Court case in which these and other similar type programs which can be found on the internet should be allowed to exist or to be made legal here in America.  Many professionals in both businesses, along with some every day users and other random scholars, weigh in with their opinions bringing graphs and charts and other  sources of information to back up their opinions and try to sway the supreme court to their side.  The testimonies of these individuals took will take place over 3 days and we will be there every step of the way. Day one will feature an array of individuals deeply intergraded in the music industry. First of which is Von Hit, a hip hop and pop sensation who has had two top of the chart singles. Second will be an up and coming and unsigned group known as The Underground Kids. Third will be John Hardball, VP of profit records and sales for iTunes. Day one will conclude with Karrie Around, CEO of a mp3 company known as Sansa. Von Hit and John Hardball will be on the side of “against” file sharing whereas The Underground Kids and Karrie Around will be on the side of “for” file sharing.  On day two the opinions and argumentative thoughts of aP2P file sharing company OrangeWire , two users of the popular program one for its use and one against it, along with a James C. Wade a lawyer who has vast experience with copyright infringement and illegal digital media cases. During these three days we were able to capture a small part of the ongoing battle of illegal file sharing through both sides of the spectrum whether the stakeholder was for or against file sharing they each made strong cases for their arguments.  On day three the court will hear the testimonies of Proffesor Charles King of Stansford who will be speaking for file sharing, the famous director Bob Forley, the action movie star Rachel Cole,  and the movie producer Natalia Hunts who all will be speaking against file sharing.

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