Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 3

My name is Professor Charles King and I currently teach business finance at Stanford University.  File sharing is a cultural phenomenon that has been greatly misunderstood by the business leaders of today.  Instead of trying to shut these programs down they should be embracing them.  Many users who were once afraid to go out to by different cd’s because they aren’t sure whether they would like them or not are now able to get some songs and test run them.  This is just one of many examples that could be laid out in favor of file sharing.  All the big companies who are trying to shut down file sharing are just short sighted and cannot see the true potential of these programs on their business as a whole.  The bottom line is this; the actions of these people are not even illegal.  I would even go as far say that it is unconstitutional for you to bring these people to court on these charges.  In no way does the sharing of music and movie files does it affect the rights of the owner of the original copyrights.  If there is no damage done then there is no reparation that is due to or can be legally given to the companies that are hounding their poor customers.  As long as these file sharers do not receive money for these songs, the whole transaction falls under fair use.  Dear Justices of the court you have heard testimony before mine that has spoken before against and for and at this point I am sure you are tired of hearing long drawn out debates whether it is making or losing money for the music and movie companies.  I would charge you to forget all those and look at this from only a legal point of view.  Look at our laws and truly devine whether this  action is an illegal answer. (Anderson)

If it pleases the court my name is Bob Forley and I am a movie director.  You are here to make a final decision on file sharing and I charge you is there even a choice to be made.  Forgetting the fact that this type of computer program is illegal, it is un-American.  When we are growing up in this great country we are told that if we work hard for our dreams they will come true.  How can we still say this is true when others can “share” your dream with any other Joe who walks down the street? It’s not fair to point out my wealth as a reason for me not needing any more money.  One if you work for it you deserve it, two I am not the only one who is affected by these thieves.  You ask me to show you where I am losing money by these file sharing techies.  You show me charts that say that opening weekend is bringing in the same amount that it was bringing in before this appalling program was created.  You do not factor in that it is taking more and more money to make the movie, that tickets are more expensive so it takes less and less tickets to make it to those totals or even the simple fact that there are more people residing in America than ever.  Factoring in these variables you are forced to come to the conclusion that the movie industry is being hurt by something and hurt hard. The answer to what is causing this atrocity is right before your eyes.  I am asking you, no I am begging you, give more power to the executive branch to go on out there and find these criminals.  Until more of the regular users are brought to court and made to pay for their crimes this will continue to stay a problem in America.(TorrentFreak)

As I am sure you already know my name is Rachel Cole movie star from such movies as Silent as the Lamb, Castle of Heaven, and No Ties Attached.  Rachel Cole’s whole career has been built on the public paying to see Rachel Cole in theater.  It also helps when they buy the dvds from the store.  Rachel Cole does tons of charity work for local and underprivileged kids and needs money to be able to continue these acts.  No sales, no charity for our local communities.  Rachel Cole is not threatening just explaining the situation.  If Rachel Coles fans can see Rachel Cole for free why would they pay.  They aren’t dumb.  They picked Rachel Cole for one.  Rachel Cole’s sales has gone down a whole 35% in the last couple of years since Napster and Orange Wire has come out.  This is not only hurting Rachel Cole this is hurting every other not as gifted actor and actress in the business.  Pretty soon we will all be broke and out on the streets looking for dirty jobs.  When this apocalyptic even occurs then what will the public download?  There will be nothing left for them.  So it is not only in Rachel Cole’s interest to delete these programs but also the general public at large.  I mean could you imagine a world where you could not go watch a Rachel Cole movie in theater?  I am sure you fine distinguished gentleman will be able to make the right decision and help show the less intelligent Americans out there what is best for them. (Howe)

My name is Natalia Hunts.  I have been a music producer since 1975 and have been there through all the major changes in the last couple of decades.  I know inside and out what hurts or what does not hurt the music business.  I am not opposed to being paid for the work that I complete but that being said I am a realist and am smart enough to not try to hold back a tide that everyone sees coming.  This file sharing problem is not going to go away so now what the music industry should be focusing on is turning this into a positive.  There are many opportunities for us to get our music out to more people and into more homes.  Like a radio station giving free advertisement to all our customers.  Concert sales and music videos are two ways we can recoup losses.  It’s a changing world and we must change with it.  If we get rid of file sharing at this point of the ball game we run the risk of alienating a vast majority of our fanbase.  I myself do not quite understand the lines between what is legal and what is illegal but as long as they are not selling our music and making profit off the sweat of my brow I do not see the problem.  I know you justices have the power of what is constitutional and what is unconstitutional, what is legal and what is illegal.  Please make file sharing officially legal and let us a business work with it and make it to our advantage.(Borland)

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